Eucalyptus for your Brain?

I love eucalyptus. So, eucalyptus, we harvest it in Australia. And it is distilled from the leaves of an evergreen tree. The long, skinny green leaves.

Isn't that what a koala bear eats?

Totally what a koala bear eats. They're so cute.

So cute. The major molecule, the primary molecule is 1,8-Cineole, at about 78, 79%. This molecule is also known as Eucalyptol, which is not a surprising name because it is from eucalyptus. However, we know that people suffering from all sorts of health conditions benefit greatly from using plant-based medicine and essential oils. And eucalyptus surprisingly, for a lot of people, because most people know it as the oil to help with clear breathing, which you'll get more into.

But this is a powerful essential oil to support a healthy inflammatory response in our body. 1,8-Cineole is a great antioxidant for our body, so it helps to support healthy levels of oxidative stress in our organ systems. And also, what's really cool about this molecule, is it crosses the blood-brain barrier so it's able to interact with the chemistry in our brain and affect our neurology in a very profound way.

Now, the aroma, it is very soothing, cooling vapor essential oil. And we absolutely love this, you guys, like Jeff said, for clearing airways. So diffusing it in your diffuser throughout the day. At night time, diffuse it. Most of us have been around eucalyptus. If you've been in a steam room or a sauna, that is what the aroma is. It is eucalyptus. For that soothing vapor, clear airway benefits of eucalyptus.

One of my favorite ways to use this oil is I put it on before bed with Breathe, usually. And then diffuse it during the day, occasionally, but especially there's a room right over here, which we'll show you guys eventually. But that is where Megan makes her jewelry and where our Peloton bike is. Whenever I go onto the bike and work out, I'm always diffusing Siberian fir, cedar wood, and eucalyptus.

My favorite way, this is super cool you guys, in the shower. If we show you guys our shower, we have a bunch of essential oil bottles in there, but eucalyptus is the one that is always in there. I like to just take a couple drops and literally just baptize the shower, just everywhere. And you just get a eucalyptus bomb. It just smells amazing. It's super relaxing to your body. It's super relaxing to your mind. And it's invigorating. You get just that, ahh sensation.


Dr. Jeff and Megan