

So we source our magnolia from China. And it takes 5,040 of those large magnolia blossoms to make just one 15 milliliter bottle of oil. Yeah, if you have not experienced magnolia as of, like, right now, make sure to pick it up, because it will soon become one of your all time favorite essential oils because of the aroma, because of the effects it has on your body. It's one of those oils that you put on and you immediately notice changes in your physiology. So we just absolutely love magnolia.



It takes 2.2 pounds of the rind of the lime to make just one 15 milliliter bottle of oil. If you're dealing with heartache or any kind of heart issues, use lime essential oil topically and it's gonna detoxify your heart and create space.



Lemon is one of the most common citrus essential oils when it comes to the essential oil family. Lemon is grown from Sicily. It's where we source our lemon from. And you get that like sticky residue or something gooey is on anything, use lemon essential oil. Put just a couple drops on a paper towel, or directly on the glass, wipe it off, and it's gonna get all that sticky sticker gooeyness off.



Hey My Oil Lab, Doctor Jeff, and Megan, and it's a wonderful oil today, lemongrass. When you diffuse lemongrass, it clears the space. A great diffuser combination is lemongrass and a wood oil. We love in the summer, we're thankful it's coming into summer now, but lemongrass and cedarwood are two of our favorites to diffuse in the home during the summer months, just for that refreshing calming clearing energy. 

Lavender...What you DON'T know

Lavender...What you DON'T know

We've got a powerful story for you. We're gonna show the pictures here but this is Kayla. She was about four months old when this occurred, but she was in the sink, with the water running, getting ready for the bath. Her older sister, Gianna, was in the bathtub. It's gonna help all those deep thoughts, those deep feelings. You're going to be able to communicate them more efficiently, giving yourself peace of mind, which we do all need.

Juniper Berry

Juniper Berry

Extracted from the evergreen shrub, this essential oil, juniper berry, has a very distinct aroma. It's woody, it's spicy, it's clean, it's sweet, and the aroma of it is very calming and very grounding when you diffuse it or just simply put it in your hands, rub together, and take a deep breath in. The side effects are amazing. But we love recommending juniper berry, and people do really, really well using it three drops, three times a day, either topical or internally, for those types of emotional hurdles and challenges that we need to overcome. 

Jasmine...the QUEEN!

Jasmine...the QUEEN!

Jasmine is a beautiful, beautiful oil. Before we really get into the science, the chemistry, how to use it, I wanted to tell you guys the back story. This oil is from Egypt, and it's very unique, very special.
It's really gonna help you get past that first stage where you're just kind of freaking out. And get you more into a calm relaxed state so you can really focus on delivering your baby. 

Topical Blend for your Face and Neck

Topical Blend for your Face and Neck

If you suffer from breakouts, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, just the uncomfortable systemic feeling of your skin, the soreness. The best part about this blend is it comes in a roller, so it's easy to spot treat and you can just put it on, couple swipes on your face, or if you are spot treating, go ahead and just spot treat right away and it's for all ages, which is so great, you can use it on your young kids, your teenagers to adults.

InTune the Focus Blend

InTune the Focus Blend

Today is the Focus Blend, and I have a strong affinity to this blend, because I'd just given my three-year-old daughter, Teagan, a bath, went to get her pajamas, came back in the room just a few minutes later, and she was covered head to toe, shiny, with this incredible aroma coming off of her. So if you have school aged children that are struggling, start using this focus blend before they go to school. If they're old enough, give it to them in their backpack, have them put it on again at lunch, and then even when they get home from school, if they have homework, put it on before they do their homework and it's really gonna help them get their school work done very effectively.