The best blend for depressed or anxious feelings

Hey, what's up, guys? Dr. Jeff and Megan, welcome to my oil lab. If you are new, this is a great place to come and learn all things plant-based medicine and essential oils. If you haven't been to our website yet, We have a free guide there for you, and it's another wonderful place.

Today's Elevation, it's our joyful blend. It makes me happy, just

So good.

It just thinking of Elevation, it has such an amazing aroma to it. And it's florally, it's sweet, it's citrusy, it just ugh, it's like joy coming out of a bottle.

I've been waiting to talk about this blend because psychotropic drugs are the number one class of drugs prescribed in the United States every single year. And these are the most dangerous class of drugs. There's a black box warning on the bottle, right in the insert, that says can cause suicidal or homicidal tendencies and thoughts. And these drugs are prescribed off-label for adolescents, for children, and so many adults that we know take these medications and there's never a plan to get off of them.

One of the strategies that we always talk about in classes and events, is if you have been put on one of these drugs and you feel that you may not need it anymore or you would like to get off of it because you don't like the way that it makes you feel, then start talking and start having those conversations with your doctor. And as you come up with a plan together to wean off of these drugs, then Elevation is a wonderful oil to support the health of your brain and the health of your emotions as you're coming off of these.

Now there are eight oils that make up this Elevation blends. It's Lavender, Lavandin, Lemon Myrtle, Ylang Ylang, Osmanthus, Melissa essential oil, Sandalwood and Tangerine.

Some of the most powerful emotional oils are in this blend for that reason, it's our joyful blend. It reduces sadness, it reduces feelings of being depressed, it reduces feelings of anxiousness, because of the power emotionally that the molecules in these oils have.

Melissa is one of the most powerful emotional oils that we have that is uplifting, that's joyful, that reduces these types of feelings. Lavender is incredibly calming. Osmanthus is calming. Hawaiian Sandalwood is grounding, you know, it's one of the most beautiful oils distilled from the heart wood of the Sandalwood tree. And this is one of our favorite blends that we use very frequently.

Yeah, we love to share this blend with everybody, actually. And there's a couple ways that you would use Elevation. My favorite way is to apply it topically. And pulse points is the best place to put Elevation. Right on your wrists, right on your neck.

I actually love using it just as a perfume too. Because it just makes me feel so good no matter what situation I'm in, I'm going to be happy about it. Now secondly, you can diffuse Elevation. It is wonderful to diffuse. It changes the atmosphere of the room, it brings any dull, boring, maybe just gloomy room, into this happy, fresh, sunshine room. It's joyful, it's just beautiful.

If your bedroom is in a basement,

Diffuse Elevation.


Dr. Jeff and Megan