Douglas Fir is the oil for a dry cough!

Hello, My Oil Lab, Dr. Jeff and little Megan here, and it's Douglas fir today. This has a really cool story behind it. We sourced Douglas fir from New Zealand, and the reason why we actually have this partnership is because the Douglas fir grows all along the coastline of New Zealand.

It was becoming a major problem because there's so many trees, and they were eroding the coastline actually shrinking the island. The New Zealand government was just cutting down these trees and burning them. We came in, distilled the oil, tested it, and it has incredible chemistry and wonderful benefits from this oil of the Douglas fir tree.

We distill from the pine and the twigs of the Douglas fir tree, and now we see it almost every single day. Every time you pass a telephone pole, that is a Douglas fir tree. And, most of us, whoever celebrates Christmas, most of us are gonna buy a Douglas fir for our Christmas tree.

When the aroma goes away you can still diffuse and nobody would know that your tree doesn't still smell.

The benefits of Douglas fir essential oil are extremely diverse. When it comes to reducing anxious feelings or improving your mood, you can apply your diffused Douglas fir.

That molecule is beta-Pinene. Beta-Pinene is actually the primary molecule in Douglas fir.

Clear airways, it's wonderful essential oil.

Clearing your airways. That is alpha-Pinene, which we see in a high concentration in frankincense. Frankincense also helps to clear airways, but it's in a high concentration in Douglas fir as well.

Surface cleaning and dry airways, meaning like a dry barky cough.

That's 3-Carene, delta 3-Carene is the molecule, and when we use Douglas fir for a dry cough it gives us the feeling that our airways are not dry.

Okay, what about purifying your skin, or reducing blemishes?

That would be the molecule sabinene, and sabinene is a very good molecule that is great for any type of skin irritation.

Okay, one more for you, relaxing your mind.


Of course.

Any more questions? Terpinolene is the molecule responsible for helping our mind and our body relax whenever we use Douglas fir topically or we diffuse it in the air.

So, some of our favorite ways to use it is topically on our neck and chest, always a one to one ratio with fractionated coconut oil, and then I absolutely love to diffuse this oil in my office here. I don't do it too often, but more frequently in the winter months because it does give you that sense of summer and that sense of going for a walk outside and breathing in those molecules. We get such diverse benefits from this oil.

Love it.


Dr. Jeff and Megan