Green Mandarin...a calming citrus oil!

[Jeff] Hey guys, we have a treat for you today. Green Mandarin is an oil that we source from Southern Brazil. And I want to introduce to you the man who's responsible for this oil. His name is Enzo, as you can see right here in the picture. He's the older gentleman in the middle with the beard.

He moved to Brazil in the 1970s. He moved to Brazil in the 1970s. And he's a fourth-generation citrus farmer. Enzo really revamped the entire mandarin industry Enzo really revamped the entire mandarin industry as far as essential oils are concerned. Because in order to produce Red Mandarin, you have to pull off about 60 to 70% of the unripened fruit, so that the remaining fruit can ripen. What used to happen, is they would just throw that green mandarin on the ground, and it would just go to waste.

It would become organic matter. It would eventually become fertilizer for the plants. However, when we met Enzo, we began to press the oil we began to press the oil from the rind of the green mandarin. And the chemistry is amazing. We'll get into it in a little bit. So now, what used to be a complete waste product, now funds the entire production for an entire year, the overhead of Enzo's farm.

And now, the red mandarin production, that's all his profits. So before, the red mandarin was the overhead and the profit. Now the red mandarin is the entire profit and the green mandarin essential oil that we buy from Enzo covers the overhead of the farm. It's a really, really powerful story.

[Megan] And it's such a cool essential oil when it comes to just the chemistry of it and the way it interacts with our body.

It is both uplifting and energizing, while it calms and soothes your nervous system at the same time. Now the aroma, ah, it is so good. There is an emotional connection you guys, when you just simply inhale Green Mandarin.

[Jeff] It's a very bright aroma.

[Megan] Very, and it brings you back to a happiest point in your life, which for most of us, it was when we were children, in our youth. So, just inhaling Green Mandarin, you have no choice but to go to a happy place. It is so awesome. And the aroma of it, it is not as sour as a regular citrus essential oil would be.

It has floral notes to it. It is a very good essential oil. When you use essential oils for perfume, I really highly recommend to add Green Mandarin to your blend, whatever it is, because it's just gonna bring it up to a, just that aroma. It's just amazing.

[Jeff] The chemistry is very, very awesome. Limonene is the primary molecule we see in all citrus oils. 70% of the oil is limonene, where that's low for a citrus oil. So we still get the benefits, the detoxification benefits, the emotional uplifting benefits, the immune support benefits, but also 17% of this oil is gamma-terpinene. Gamma-terpinene is the primary molecule in Melaleuca, or tea tree.

So we get the benefits of Melaleuca and tea tree oil by using Green Mandarin. We can use it on our skin. It's purifying for our skin. It's great for our immune system. It supports a healthy inflammatory response. It's emotionally balancing and grounding, which is what Megan was talking about. How the oil, because limonene is uplifting, and then because of the gamma-terpinene, it's grounding, emotionally, and calming to our body at the same time, making Green Mandarin incredible.

And one of my favorite things about this oil is that you can put in on and then go lay in the sun.

[Megan] Yes. So, if you live in a sunny environment, or your on vacation, you can put Green Mandarin on your skin, you can go lay out in the sun, and you're not gonna burn because, since the mandarin has not ripened yet, the furanocoumarins, which are the photosensitive molecules in citrus oils aren't able to develop, so we can use it in the sun.

[Megan] So, that's wonderful because, it our last video for Grapefruit, I told you all about the that lotion I put on, with the Grapefruit essential oil in it. When it comes to summertime, like Jeff said, switch out that Grapefruit for Green Mandarin. You're gonna get amazing benefits for your skin, just by swapping it out, and you don't have to worry about being in the sun.


Dr. Jeff and Megan