Grapefruit is a must have oil for your weight loss plan

Welcome to my oil lab. If you're brand new, I'm Dr Jeff. This is my wife, Megan. And grapefruit is one of the four oils that we actually do source right here in the United States. It comes from Florida. If you've been following us or watching our videos for any amount of time you know of the molecule Limonene. Limonene is the primary molecule in all citrus oils. And Limonene is in the highest concentration in grapefruits at about 99%.

Do you wanna know why they call it grapefruit?


Because it grows in clusters like grapes.

Oh, I didn't know that.

So that's why it's called grapefruit.


Limonene has some incredible benefits in our body. It supports our liver in producing glutathione. Glutathione is the number one antioxidant in our body. It's 5,000 times stronger than vitamin C as an antioxidant, and we cannot ingest it. For example, avocados contain a lot of glutathione. However, it's destroyed in our gut, so we must give our body the ingredients for our liver to make glutathione. Limonene is one of those ingredients.

Studies have shown that the highest levels of glutathione show the lowest incidence of chronic and degenerative disease. So we consistently wanna be doing things that are increasing glutathione in our body. Low levels of glutathione show high levels of chronic disease, degenerative conditions, and early death. This is why we consider citrus oil, specifically grapefruit as daily use essential oil.

I just love the aroma of grapefruit. It brings me to summer every time. Even in the dead of winter on a gloomy day, just smelling grapefruit essential oil puts a smile on my face. It's sunshine in a bottle. I love it. Now, we get our daily use of grapefruit by applying it topically.

You don't wanna apply topically and go out in the sun, however. But after the shower, I love to make a fractionated coconut oil blend. Grapefruit is one of the oils in that blend. Put it on your entire body. There are such positive things that happen to your mind when you apply grapefruit essential oil on topically.

If you're feeling like you're not loving yourself. Maybe you're feeling shameful of your body for any reason at all, start using grapefruit essential oil. It promotes that healthy response to yourself and your body.

I'm gonna bring it back to Limonene. Because Limonene has shown from a metabolism standpoint, if you're concerned about weight loss or weight gain, Limonene has been shown to inhibit the production of fat cells and also making fat cells larger. It's been shown to inhibit that, as well, making grapefruit a wonderful oil to add to your routine and your daily protocols for any type of metabolism concern that you're facing.

And now we put it in our water and just to maintain weight. So not necessarily even like lose weight. Just to maintain and get that energizing, refreshing, invigorating feeling. When you drink it in your water, we love to do it before a workout. And absolutely love diffusing it when we're working out, as well.


Dr. Jeff and Megan