Helichrysum: The Healer Essential Oil

So good! So today is helichrysum, and the word helichrysum's super cool, it has like a background to it. So it comes from the Greek word helio, which means sun, and then chrysos which means golden. And helichrysum itself is this beautiful, golden flower, it's so cool!

[Dr. Jeff] I didn't know you were a Greek scholar.

The two primary molecules of helichrysum, which is why it is such a powerful oil, are neryl acetate and then italidones. Neryl acetate is an ester molecule which, esters are calming, physically and emotionally, and then italidones are healing molecules. Traditionally, helichrysum has been used for allergies, for colds, coughs, any type of skin condition, our liver, our gallbladder; for infections and even for sleeplessness, or insomnia.

The research hasn't caught up to the traditional uses yet, but we are well on our way, and what we do know, scientifically, that has been published about helichrysum, is, think of it as first aid for your body. Any time you have an injury, if you have a fractured bone, if you have a soft tissue injury like a rotator cuff tear, or an ACL tear in your knee, or any type of cut, or gash, or wound, helichrysum is going to be the oil that you apply topically, directly into the open wound, or directly over the site that is bruised, broken, injured, and you're going to do that three drops, three times a day, until that area is completely healed. It's known as the most powerful tissue healing support oil that we have.

- Now helichrysum's also known as the everlasting flower, or the immortal flower, which makes perfect sense because it is one of most amazing anti-aging essential oils, and I absolutely love adding this at least twice a week in my skin care routine: Three drops on my hand, rub it directly on my face, it's gonna help reduce the blemishes, reduce wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots.

Any kind of skin damage you have on your skin, helichrysum is just gonna change the appearance of it, it gives you that glowing, fresh-looking skin which I absolutely just love. So, add it to your skin care routine if you haven't done that quite yet.

It's, like Megan said, it's incredibly efficient at creating just this glowing, vibrant complexion and if there was one essential oil that you would use for your beauty regiment, if you could only choose one, it would absolutely be helichrysum.

It has an emotional connection, you wanna hear it?

Yes I do

Okay, so helichrysum is known emotionally as the healer, so any kind of trauma in your life, any kind of loss, anything you're grieving, any kind of abuse, using, or just inhaling helichrysum, has a spiritual healing connection to it, super cool.

Last little fun fact, the plant is a little yellow flower, which you mentioned. But it does not share the chemistry with the other plants in the region of the Mediterranean, it is completely stand-alone, unique in its chemistry of the oil, so nothing can replace helichrysum as an oil. Where a lot of other essential oils, we can see comparisons like, green mandarin and melaleuca; we see comparisons there and we see that with a lot of different oils, but that is not the case with helichrysum, it can't be replaced, it's a must have oil for your cabinet.


Dr. Jeff and Megan