Ginger for Nausea and Detox

All right, welcome my oil lab, today is ginger. If you're new I'm Dr. Jeff, this is my beautiful small wife, Megan. And before we get into ginger, I wanna give you some context of the story behind this oil. We source it from Madagascar. do Terra corporate was on a sourcing trip for ylang-ylang in Madagascar and a woman sought them up, they heard dōTERRA was going to be in the country. They sought them out, dragged them to her ginger plantation, and said look at our oil.

We tested it, it was some of the most unique, the most potent chemistry we've ever seen in a ginger essential oil. And immediately we came to an agreement to source our ginger oil from this woman's plantation. It's a wonderful essential oil.

Such a blessing because we love this ginger. Jeff and I use it all the time. Couple of our favorite ways to use it is right in the juice that we make, our water, our tea, or our cocktail. It just has such a great taste to it. It has a little spice but an aroma that is warming, inviting. It helps with so much.

So first we'll talk about chemistry. Alpha-zingiberine is actually the molecule that's responsible for the aroma and the flavor of ginger. So when you're eating ginger, your tasting the essential oil. You're tasting alpha-zingiberine. This molecule specifically is great for our gut and our digestion. It's very cooling to our gut. It supports a healthy inflammatory response.

And it will decrease occasional feelings of nausea regarding and relating to our digestive system. Citral is more of the detox molecule. This molecule is great for our liver. So if you're in detox protocols, ginger is part of our detox protocol in our book, and because of citral, toxins cause antioxidant damage to our liver and citral gives antioxidant protection to the cells of our liver.

Another preliminary study from 2016 looked at how citral through ginger essential oil can protect the liver against alcohol-related liver conditions. Making ginger a wonderful essential oil for our gut and also for support in detoxing our liver.

Now ginger essential oils, one that I carry with us whenever we have a long trip ahead of us. If we're in the car for a really long time, if we're on a boat or if we're on a plane.

You don't do well on boats.

I don't do well on boats at all. But I have my ginger with me because I get an upset stomach, I don't like the rocking back and forth, the movement, it just creates this nauseousness inside of me and I don't have a good time. But when I use ginger essential oil I can apply it topically, three drops with fractionated coconut oil, rub it right over my stomach or ingest it.

It helps so much, it subsides all those feelings. I'm able to go on a boat. The anxiousness on a boat is a different story, but I have an oil for that too. Our kids go back and forth from Chicago to Minnesota, Chicago to Minnesota. And just the aroma of ginger, we just have them smell it and it just helps them get through that long car ride.

It's also great for bloating. If you have any kind of bloating sensation in your stomach, ingesting or again applying it topically is going to help so much. Now when I was pregnant, this is one of the essential oils if you are pregnant and you are feeling nauseous, use ginger essential oil, it's completely safe and highly recommended.

It will get you through those stages in your pregnancy. it will help you. I would just smell it, I would apply it, I would ingest it whenever I was feeling like I needed that extra support, ginger was my go-to essential oil.


Dr. Jeff and Megan