Geranium for Colon Health

Hi My Oil Lab. Today is geranium. I'm Megan. This is Dr. Jeff. We're going to South Africa today. We distill from the entire plant of the geranium plant and what is super cool about this plant is the flowers and the leaves are all edible. It's such a beautiful plant like looking at it just gorgeous but we find the geranium plant and a lot of baked goods and teas which is always really cool.

Geranial is the primary molecule and what is pretty interesting is that geranium is part of our gut and digestive tract protocol which is surprising to a lot of people because you would think of a floral oil like geranium just being like more perfume based or for the aroma.

But one of the most powerful things about geranium is its gut properties. Now the first study I want to share with you was a triple blind study meaning the subjects who were in the study and the researchers did not know who was using the essential oil. And geranium because of its high geranial content, showed tremendous results for reducing anxious feelings and for that purpose for that reason, we see it being used in health care facilities all over the United States.

A second study was done by Egyptian researchers, looking at geranial and colon health. And what they found is that geranial positively affects multiple different pathways in our colon that lead to healthy colon cells. So if you have any concern with your colon at all, geranium is a required oil to use because of what it does for the cells in our colon.

Italian researchers did the third study and what they found is that geranial supports a healthy microbial balance in our colon. So the combination of all the effects that geranium has on our body from reducing anxious feelings to positively affecting the signaling pathways in our colon that leads to healthy colon cells, and then also the microbial balance in our colon, makes geranium and oil that we should all be using consistently.

Now geranium is one of my beauty trick essential oils. I just love it. And it's like its vast purposes for beautiful hair, skin, perfume. So it's highly known in the perfume industry for its floral aroma. Now I love love love to use geranium in the shower after I shampoo, condition, rinse my hair out, three drops of geranium essential oil along with Rosemary and along with Clary Sage. But that geranium helps your hair look vibrant, look healthier, it's stronger, it's shinier.

Three jobs right in the palm of my hand and just go ahead and run it all through your hair after your rinse out. Do not rinse it off. You can blow-dry your hair it doesn't leave it oily and I swear the blow drying time is cut in half. Now I also love to use geranium on my skin topically.

Again three drops and I like to put geranium all over it just helps rejuvenate your skin fresher, younger looking skin. It helps with any uneven tone. It's gonna even out those tones, any blemishes. It's gonna help your skin look amazing. And now this is a fun fact with geranium which is super cool, it's an emotional oil, and it helps heal a broken heart.

Start using geranium essential oil. And what it's going to do is it's going to promote those feelings that we suppress in our bodies, from a broken heart situation, loss of a loved one, a pet or just something going on in your life. And it's going to help release those emotions, bring it up to the center so that you can heal properly, and not worry about burying those. So geranium is such a mighty heart essential oil as well.


Dr. Jeff and Megan