Frankincense: THE KING IS HERE

Hey guys, My Oil Lab, welcome!

My favorite story, well one of my favorite stories, we've got so many of them regarding Frankincense, is one of the very first essential oil classes that I ever taught. A woman was in the front row with this little dog that she had just adopted from the Humane Society, and throughout the entire class, this little dog was just like shaking uncontrollably. And then would stop, and then it would start again, and it would stop, and you could tell the woman in the front row was very concerned about this little animal and this little dog that she'd just adopted.

The reason she adopted it from the Humane Society is that they were gonna put the dog down, because of these shakes, uncontrollable shakes this dog was having. And halfway through the class I just stopped and said miss, would you mind if I apply Frankincense on your dog? And she said absolutely, go ahead. And applied Frankincense right on the back of the neck and immediately, those uncontrollable shakes and tremors, just immediately stopped. And I followed up with the woman a few months later and that was the last time this animal ever had that occur.

And it was because she had been using Frankincense now, preventively on her little dog. And her little dog is now living this amazing quality of life and they didn't put the dog down. And that's just one of the tremendous benefits of Frankincense essential oil.

It's such a great oil. And this is the king of essential oils. Now, it was known in Biblical times, but it also now, if you use it in such a way, it brings you to a heightened state of your spirituality. Which I think is such a great, great way to use essential oil.

Let's talk chemistry and where it's from.


The primary molecules are alpha-pinene, thujones, limonene, so you get the citrus benefit of using Frankincense. The chemistry is incredibly diverse. It is from the resin of the Boswellia tree. And our Frankincense oil has three species of the Boswellia tree. Boswellia sacra, frereana, and carterii. These are the three species of Boswellia that produce the most incredible essential oil. And we source our Frankincense from Somalia.

I love using Frankincense topically. Now, there's many benefits when you use it topically. I put three drops in the palm of my hand, rub my hands together, put it directly on my face. It's great for anti-aging, it's great for clearing many blemishes, for fine lines, wrinkles, any sun spots, any kind of damaged skin that you're dealing with.

If you apply Frankincense, you're gonna see a drastic change in your skin for the better. Now old scars, new scars, any type of scar tissue buildup, if you apply Frankincense on them, it is going to help repair the generation of those cells.

Some of the main benefits of Frankincense, and Frankincense is absolutely a daily use oil. At least once a day, we like to use it twice a day because of the global impact it has on our body. But some of just the primary benefits, it helps with supporting healthy tissue remodeling. So it helps with your skin cells. It helps with a healthy inflammatory response, a healthy immune response.

It affects global gene expression, meaning that when we have some sort of chronic disease in our body, using an oil like Frankincense is gonna support every single organ system, every cell in our body. We talk about Frankincense and the research extensively, in our book, and it's just a wonderful oil that we could add to every protocol out there because of the global impact it has on our body. If you haven't been using Frankincense, this is an oil that is required if you're new to essential oils.

It is. Start using it and you're gonna see dramatic changes in your health.

We diffuse it whenever we're reading the Bible or just sitting there in meditation for awhile. Frankincense is known to have a better connection with you spiritually, and it brings you to an awakened state of your spirituality. So whatever that may be for you, start diffusing Frankincense. Apply it topically when you're in your meditation or your prayer, and you're just gonna have this overwhelming sense of gratitude.


Dr. Jeff