Fennel is 13x sweeter than sugar!

Hey, my oil lab. Welcome, if you're new, today is fennel, and I love this oil.

It's a love hate relationship for me.


Yeah, it has a very distinct black licorice aroma and taste to it, which--

See, I love black licorice.

Right, and I don't, but, I know the benefits, and the internal benefits of using fennel essential oil, they're just wonderful, and there's so many of them.

Mmm-hmm. Iranian researchers just published a study showing how fennel essential oil for our gut, helps with a healthy inflammatory response. And, I wanna make sure you guys get this.

Inflammation is not always bad. So often, we tie inflammation to a disease process, however, inflammation at healthy levels, is incredibly great for our physiology, for the cells of our body. Inflammation, a lotta times, is protective. Inflammation can help heal our body, when it's in healthy, normal levels. And that is what fennel has been studied to do, is to create a healthy inflammatory response for our digestive tract.

Now it's the seed of the plants.

And it's an evergreen. It's a plant that comes all the way from the Mediterranean, and we distill it from the seed, and we have, in previous videos, telling you guys how seed oils are just so important for your gut, like you said.

Italian and Belgium researchers have just concluded a study showing how fennel essential oil, when used internally, so, how we recommend doing this, is putting three drops in a veggie capsule, and taking it a couple times a day. And it promotes healthy bowel movements and normal bowel movements.

I was just talkin' to a lady, we're going back and forth right now, she's having trouble with bowel movements. And we started her on clove and cardamom, which has been working great, and I'm gonna message her right now, after this video, and tell her to add fennel to it, because this study just came out. So we're always stayin' on top of the research so that you guys have the most cutting-edge, and get the best results using your oil.

Now, like I said before, I'm not a fan of the black licorice. So, I like to do the veggie caps, and it's in our DigestZen blends, which we went over before with you guys, for the reasons of supporting digestion. Now, when you take in internally as well, there's so many more benefits to it.

You have healthy immune system, you have a healthy function of circulation in your body, there's a healthy response to your respiratory in your lungs when you take it. A healthy metabolism. The list just goes on and on and on. So, I endure it, I take it, 'cause I know the mass benefits of it.

Trans-anethole is the primary molecule in fennel. Fennel is incredibly sweet. This molecule is 13 times stronger than sugar.

That's crazy.

For people that are getting off of sugar and eliminating sugar from their diet, you can still get your sweet fix by using fennel essential oil after a meal. So it's gonna help with that sugar fix, but then also, it's gonna be great for your gut.

Now, this is a fun fact. 'Cause I'm all into, like, the emotions of essential oils. Fennel brings you deeper to a connection with yourself. So when you're feeling lost, or you're feeling like there's no passion for life anymore, when you use fennel essential oil, you can use it topically, with a fractionated coconut oil, or just by ingesting it, or diffusing it, you're gonna bring passion back to your life. You're gonna re-connect with yourself, which is so awesome.

Love you guys,

Dr. Jeff and Megan