DDR Prime: A symphony for your cells

We are made up of 33 trillion cells.

How do you know that?

I looked it up.

You're crazy.

It's the foundation of all living things. So when we support healthy cellular function, the result is health and wellness. When we don't support our cellular function, that's when we see problems in our health.

And tens of millions of people around the world are suffering from very scary conditions because they have spent their entire lives not focused on their cells and supporting healthy cellular function. And the cellular complex blend, we call it DDR prime, does three things; It supports every cellular function in our body, It reduces the oxidative stress of our cells, and the oils in the blend act as powerful antioxidants for our cells.

So there's a bunch of oils in this blend, which are all wonderful essential oils. It's wild orange, clove, thyme, frankincense, lemongrass, summer savory, and niaouli.

Most people don't know what summer savory and niaouli is so I'll tell you. Summer savory is very similar to thyme. The combination of the two has incredible synergy for the health of our cells. And then niaouli is very similar in chemistry to melaleuca or tea tree, which is an incredibly cleansing molecule or cleansing essential oil for our body.

The combination and the synergy of all these oils combined is very, very powerful. Now, a recent study was done looking at frankincense for cellular health alone, lemongrass for cellular health alone, and then the combination of the two and guess what won?

The combination. The combination always wins. Whenever you are thinking of using one oil or three oils at once, always do three because the synergy of the molecules creates incredible health benefit to our body.

DDR prime is one of the blends that we highly recommend for daily usage. Now we use a lot of these essential oils individually all the time. However, DDR prime blended together we still use it. You guys, there's a couple different ways that you can use DDR prime. Both involve ingesting. You can make your own veggie cap with three drops of DDR prime in it or you can take three drops internally right under your tongue, and now there are soft gels, which, the soft gels are already pre-made for you which are wonderful as well.

This is a blend of oils that we always recommend for somebody who is new who really wants to get into plant-based medicine and they say, you know, "Jeff or Megan, what is the number one blend that I should be ingesting daily to support my body?" and it's always the cellular complex blend.

It's DDR prime for the synergy for the results that we get and then you don't have to use, you know, like, these six oils on their own because they're already in the blend.


Dr. Jeff and Megan