Digestzen: The Digestive Blend

Today is one of the most powerful blends of essential oils when it comes to eating and a healthy digestion. Today is digest zen. I'm Megan, this is Dr. Jeff, and we're gonna get into it today.

The blend is powerful. There are anise, fennel, coriander, tarragon, peppermint, ginger, rhizome root, some of my favorite tasting oils to ingest like fennel and anise. I love ginger and peppermint. So to me, I love ingesting this blend. I do it probably four to five times a day.

It smells like, it tastes like black licorice. I am not a fan of black licorice at all. However, the feeling of using this blend when it comes to my digestion, when it comes to supporting any discomfort I'm feeling in my stomach maybe after having something that I shouldn't have eaten and it's just upsetting me, it works, it's magical.

This blend is very beneficial for things like the occasional indigestion. And if you're having more serious gut issues, continue to use the gut protocol that we shared with you on our lifestyle video, so don't change any of that, simply add digest zen to it because it's only gonna bring synergy to that protocol and you'll get even better results with it.

And now a lot of the essentials oil in this blend are seed essential oils.

Seed essential oils are really unique and some of the best oils for our gut specifically because of how well they aid in a healthy inflammatory response. And any time we have problems with our gut, it's always related to inflammation. And when we can support our body in maintaining a healthy inflammatory response versus something that is gonna create more inflammation, then we absolutely should do that and the gut is no exception. This is a wonderful blend of support.

And two ways you guys can use this. You can apply it topically which I prefer to do. I take three drops with three drops of fractionated coconut oil right in the palm of my hand, rub it together and then rub it on my stomach anywhere I'm feeling discomfort. You can also ingest this essential oil.

Now if I am out in a restaurant, I'm just gonna ingest it and I follow with a peppermint chaser. Although there's peppermint in this blend, which I'm starting to pull a lot of the peppermint now, I just do a peppermint chaser which actually increases that beneficial digestion.

Because of the high menthol.

Right, right. So those are the ways that you're gonna use it. We have it in our purse. We bring it with us everywhere. Jeff goes to bed tasting like digest zen sometimes. It's just a wonderful oil.

You're welcome.

It's a must have essential oil blend.