Deep Blue: The Soothing Blend

I have been so excited to talk about this oil because the story that we're gonna share with you today really explains how to use Deep Blue and the powerful benefits of it.

Yeah, first, let's talk about the oils in this blend 'cause they're pretty awesome. There's wintergreen, camphor, ylang ylang, which actually surprised me. Peppermint, blue chamomile, blue tansy, helichrysum, and osmanthus.

The story that I'm gonna tell you right now will really explain the power and the benefits of this combination of oils that Megan just listed. In 2015, it was the end of December, after Christmas. My dad was shoveling my grandfather's driveway. 

He slipped and fell and broke his tibia and fibula, the two major bones, the two bones in your leg. January 2nd, he had two plates and 18 screws put in his leg. Six months go by, his leg should be completely healed, it's not healed yet. So the orthopedic surgeon said, Mike, we have to do a bone graft surgery. What they were gonna do is take a chunk of bone out of his hip, grind it up, put it over the fracture sites, screw in a wire mesh over the crushed up bone with the intention of that's what's now gonna cause the leg to fully heal. 

It's about a $40,000 surgery and a major surgery. And my dad came out of that visit in June and said, hey, do you have any oils for my leg? And I said, yeah, well, Deep Blue. Have you been using Deep Blue? He's like, I haven't been. So I put Deep Blue, he used Deep Blue and helichrysum. Could not apply it over the fracture site because he had this giant cast on, so he put it on the bottom of his feet and up on his thigh. And he went and he did that three times a day. 

He went back to surgery in July. He's laying in the operating room. After the tech took the X-ray, he's in the operating room, ready for surgery. The doctor comes in and said, Mike, I don't know what you've been doing, however, we don't have to do surgery today because your leg is totally healed, but I need you to tell me what you've done because I've been a surgeon for about 20 years, and I've never canceled a bone graft surgery. 

And within a month, your leg is now completely healed. And so my dad told him, I've been using these essential oils that my son gave me. And three days later, the orthopedic surgeon calls my dad on the phone and said, hey, Mike, I researched that oil helichrysum that you told me about, and he goes, and that stuff actually works. And I was like--


Yeah, I know, we didn't do surgery. So anyway, wonderful, wonderful story. If you have any sort of soft tissue injury, then you're gonna want to use this blend three times a day until it's healed. Helichrysum is really the power behind this oil when we're using Deep Blue for some sort of discomfort, or even a soft tissue injury. 

Neryl acetate is the major molecule in helichrysum and it supports healthy tissue remodeling by supporting the body in collagen production. And every cell in our body is made up of collagen, so when we have an injury, we damage the cells, and it takes a while for our body to naturally heal that. And when we use helichrysum, it supports that.

The two essential oils that are responsible for calming the tissue, because of the chamazulene being the major molecule, is blue chamomile and the blue tansy.

Now, if you guys can think of any old injuries you might have, any new injuries, any soreness, any aches, maybe you lifted a box that was too heavy and your back's hurting or you went for a heavy lifting at the gym, or you just went for a run and you're feeling just uncomfortable, or feeling discomfort in your body, that is exactly where you're gonna apply the Deep Blue essential oil. You're gonna be feeling so much better really fast. This is an oil that Jeff and I have with us everywhere.