Cypress Essential Oil

Today is cypress and a really, really fun oil in my opinion.

Yeah, I love cypress. So we source our cypress from western Asia. Now a lot of us see it all the time and you might not even know it. It is the super tall, about 60 to 80 feet tall evergreen tree that is green and it's just really skinny. I love it. 

It's in many of our landscaping. And I remember as a kid it has pine cones all over it so we used to run outside and just grab all the pine cones and you're just so happy 'cause it smelled so good. It would sap on your hands and it was just the best.

That's a nice trip down memory lane.


Good job. 

The chemistry is really unique and we're gonna talk about a molecule that we haven't mentioned before on this channel. It's 3-carene. 3-carene has a very sweet aroma to it and it's about 25% in cypress. 50% of the oil is alpha-pinene and then we have 55 other molecules that bring all this energy together so we get the woodiness from the alpha-pinene and then we get that sweetness of the aroma from the 3-carotene.

3-carene specifically as a molecule is really powerful at supporting a healthy inflammatory response in our body and also is great for circulation which Megan will get into and then alpha-pinene is the pick me up molecule that is really good for our brain and nervous system.

So if we have any sort of like chronic struggle, something of that nature that we're working out in our life ...

Unstruggle ourselves.

To unstruggle yourself, then alpha-pinene is gonna be a wonderful molecule. So any oil that has high alpha-pinene is gonna be a great choice like frankincense is about 40%. Cypress is about 50% so it's a wonderful molecule.

Cypress is such a diverse essential oil when it comes to ways that you can use it. There are so many different ways and they're all fun and different and unique. Now it's one of beauty checks I like to say.

So if you had a rough night's sleep, if you watched a sad movie and you were crying or if somebody made you cry and you just have these puffy baggy eyes, the best way to use cypress to remove any puffiness and renew your skin and get a fresh look is to apply three drops of fractionated coconut oil right in the palm of your hand, three drops of cypress essential oil, go ahead and put it on and then just dab under your eyes, just like Jeff did.

It is so invigorating. It's refreshing. It removes the bags. It takes the puffiness away.

It tingles a little. It tingles, you can feel it. It is just wonderful. Now another great way to use cypress essential oil and this goes back to what Jeff said about healthy circulation in your body is to apply this on your legs, on your thighs or calves. 

If you're going for a run, if you have any type of vigorous exercise or something that is gonna take a long time and you need a little extra motivation, cypress essential oil is wonderful to apply just to keep you going. The best way to relax. I wanna do it right now. Five drops of cypress essential oil, five drops of lavender, some Epsom salt and a nice hot bathtub and you are going to feel like a brand new person when you're done taking a bath. It is just amazing.

It's wonderful.

I love it.