Coriander Essential Oil

Today is coriander. Now, it's a seed and it comes from our cilantro plant. We source our coriander from Russia. And coriander is one of the oldest spices on record dating way before even Egyptian times.

It's awesome.

So cool.

It's a powerful herb, powerful spice, really cool oil. The chemistry is awesome. It's 66% linalool, which when you see linalool in a high concentration like that, we know that it's a very emotionally and physically calming essential oil because that's what that molecule actually does inside of our body. Second major molecule or primary molecule is alpha-pinene. 

That's the one we call the feel-good molecule. Alpha-pinene's at about 11% and if you remember I was talking about frankincense before and frankincense, it's about 39%, so not as high. However, because it has alpha-pinene, it's great for our brain. It's one of the best molecules that interacts with the chemistry of our brains. If you're feeling down or blue, people still say blue?

Oh yeah, well said.

So blues okay. If you're feeling blue, alpha-pinene is a pick me up emotionally and then also it's because of the high concentration of alpha-pinene in frankincense, we add it to our brain protocol. So if we have anything concerning our brain that we're dealing with or having a concern with, using an oil with alpha-pinene is gonna be really really effective. And again we see alpha-pinene at about 11% in coriander.

So this is really interesting because I didn't think this. Coriander and lavender are the most similar in chemistry. So, if you guys run out of your lavender, if you're in pinch and you don't use coriander that much, grab your coriander. Start using it. 

You don't have to replace lavender. However, the aroma's extremely different. Coriander has a very herbaceous aroma to it. It's a very clean herbaceous aroma which is very pleasant actually when you're thinking a spice in a seed essential oil.

That's mine.

Yeah, I can smell it. It smells really good. Now, it's also in our digest blends. Digest zen blends. And for the reason of digestion purposes. So, it helps aid in a healthy digestion. If you overeat a meal, which is my favorite way to use coriander, just take a couple two drops, right underneath your tongue, after a heavy meal and it's just going to help assist in a healthier digestion after that meal.

Because coriander is a seed, a lot of the seed oils are really good for digestion because seed oils have unique chemistry that other essential oils do not. So, there's about 43 different molecules. 

The top two are alpha-pinene and linalool. However, all the other molecules, the synergy with all of them, is really good for our digestion. And really help with a healthy inflammatory response within our gut.