Breathe: the respiratory blend

Breathe was one of the first essential oils that I experienced and it radically changed my family. All three of my children suffered from terrible breathing problems, and as soon as I applied breathe on their chest...all of that went away immediately and we have not looked back. It is a daily oil for myself and my children.

We call it the gateway essential oil because when you share it with somebody, you get an immediate result, and they immediately want to learn more about plant-based medicine.

All essential oils are in our bloodstream within 30 seconds of application. The molecules are in every cell in our body within five minutes. However, when you can feel your airwaves open up immediately, that is a powerful experience.

Breathe is powerful because of the combination of oils in the blend. As we talked before, there is synergy when you use various oils at the same time. This is why we love blends. It is very rare that I ever use just one oil at a time on myself or the children. We are always using various oils simultaneously.

There are seven oils in this blend, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, cardamom, ravensara, and laurel leaf. A few of these essential oils share similar chemistry. My heart goes to cardamom. I love cardamom. I was fortunate enough to travel to Guatemala and visit our cardamom distillery.

This oil is in Breathe because it's one of the main oils that helps clear your airwaves. There's a molecule in cardamom that supports our body in inactivating an enzyme in our lungs called neutrophil elastase. When neutrophil elastase is activated, it causes breathing problems.

Neutrophil elastase, when activated by activity or allergen, causes constriction of the bronchioles, and inflammation in the mucosal linings of our lungs. Cardamom helps to eliminate these concerns.  

Peppermint contains about 94% menthol and is very opening and clearing to our airwaves, our sinuses, our nasal passages. 

Melaleuca also is very clearing and lemon, believe it or not, is very clearing and cleansing to our airwaves as well because of its concentration of limonene.

Eucalyptus is an oil that we have in our shower because when you apply it topically or diffuse it and put it in your shower, it gives you this stimulating, soothing, opening sensation. The molecule in eucalyptus responsible for these effects is called 1-8 cineol.

Ravensara and laurel leaf also have properties that open airways and clear breathing. Breathe is the best oil you could use when you're having struggles breathing in any capacity.

This is an oil that we only diffuse and use topically. Breathe is not an oil that is meant to ingest. You will find that it does not have a food nutrition label on the bottle, meaning it is only a topical and aromatic oil.  

Lastly, we always diffuse this at night time because you want to keep your airwaves open when you're sleeping so you don't snore as much and your sinuses stay clear while you're sleeping. Diffuse a calming oil with Breathe at night like lavender, roman chamomile or vetiver.

Use this oil topically, three drops on the neck and chest along with diffusing before you go to sleep for you and your children. It will be the best night's sleep you have had in a very long time...maybe ever!