Cardamom Essential Oil

We're so excited about this essential oil. Its flavor and aroma is just beautiful. Cardamom is known as the queen of spices, and the uses of Cardamom go way beyond the kitchen. I was blessed to travel to our cardamom distillery. We flew into Guatemala City, hopped on a bus, and drove 10 hours into the mountains to a small remote village called Sikabe.

Cardamom plants grow wild in the mountains in this region of Guatemala. It was indeed a magical experience for us to see all the blood, sweat, and tears that go into making one cute little bottle of Cardamom.

It gives you a profound appreciation for every little drop of essential oil because there are thousands of hours, hundreds of people involved in each drop of an authentic essential oil. This oil is extraordinary because of its chemistry. It's about seven percent linalyl acetate, which is a very calming molecule. So for digestive purposes, it's perfect for our gut. It is an oil that supports peristalsis of our bowels, to help you go number 2. Thirty percent of this oil is 1,8-Cineole which we see in Eucalyptus, also known as Eucalyptol.

We talked about it in the breathe blend, but because of the high concentration of 1,8-Cineole, it's one of the best oils for supporting our lungs, for respiration, for clear and easy breathing. Terpinyl acetate is the primary molecule of this essential oil at about forty percent.

This molecule is excellent for supporting digestion, for supporting clear breathing and open airways. Cardamom essential oil can be used for any gut issue, and any breathing issue you may be dealing with.

If you have any upset feelings in your stomach, while traveling (I get motion sickness) use cardamom on your trip. I apply Cardamom and/or ingest it, whenever I start to feel any feelings of nausea.

We also used it frequently on Mila to help her go number 2 for the first few months after she was born. As you may know, Jeff delivered her, and she was born frank breech in our living room. Cardamom was great for her little gut the first few months of her life.