Blue Tansy Essential Oil

Blue Tansy is one of the most potent antioxidant essential oils that we have.

We source this oil from Morocco, a beautiful country bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. I love the plant itself. It's a beautiful yellow flower. It reminds me of dandelions, and I grew up with dandelions all in our backyard. Blue tansy is also known as Moroccan chamomile. I like to call it the Smurf oil because it's blue and turns your skin blue temporarily when you use it.

The oil has a deep rich indigo blue color. The molecule responsible for this color is called chamazulene. Chamazulene as a molecule is going to be my next tattoo. I am obsessed with this molecule. This molecule is a powerful free radical scavenger.

An effect of normal metabolic processes in our body is the production of free radicals. However, when free radicals get out of hand, they wreak havoc on our cells, on our body systems and organs. Chamazulene is a scavenger to neutralize these free radicals making it a beautiful molecule for supporting healthy cellular function. When our body is exposed to physical or chemical stress from the environment, a protein is released by our cells.

This protein is very damaging to the surrounding cells, organs and all of our body systems. Chamazulene causes that protein to become inert, meaning it's inactive when in the presence of chamazulene. From a healthy cellular function perspective, if you have metabolic processes in your body that aren't functioning correctly, then blue tansy is a beautiful, wonderful oil to use.

Our favorite way to use blue tansy is topically on our skin. It is lovely for your skin. I recommend using it at nighttime because it does change the color of your skin. Anytime your skin is irritated, or you need to soothe your skin, especially during the dry months of winter, using blue tansy as part of your moisturizing routine is drastically going to improve the appearance of your skin. It is wonderful. 

We've recommended this oil for a long time and for multiple different skin concerns. One of our favorite recent testimonies and stories that just came back was a gal who was experiencing terrible itchy red blotchy skin on her face.

She started using two to three drops of blue tansy at nighttime with her moisturizer, and within a few short weeks, her skin completely cleared up, and she now has beautiful, radiant skin.

It is one of the best oils to use for any damaged skin or skin that is not healing correctly. Yarrow/Pom is another incredible oil for our skin. Yarrow is also blue because of its chamazulene content.

Not only is this oil great for your skin, but it is also an oil that promotes peace and calming emotionally. It's one of the essential oils that we recommend to use when you're feeling stressed.

If you have anxious feelings or if you're busy and stressed at work all the time, using blue tansy is going to help you relax and unwind from a tough day. When you apply it on your face at night before bed, your skin not only benefits, but you also experience the relaxing, calming and peaceful emotions that blue tansy instills.