Aromatouch: the massage blend

Aromatouch is an oil that we did not use at all for the first few months when we really started getting into this. Once we actually used the oil, we were like holy smokes, why didn't we use this earlier?

Aromatouch is an excellent oil for a gentle massage. It's both calming and relaxing to your entire body, emotionally and physically. Anywhere you're storing tension or stress, emotional pain or any type of discomfort is where you are going to apply Aromatouch essential oil. With this oil you are going to use a carrier oil, we love fractionated coconut oil. Jeff and I both love giving each other massages with this AromaTouch because we both carry our stress in our neck and shoulders.

For animals, this is a great oil to use wherever they're having discomfort. Of course, when you have an animal or a pet, you know when they're feeling discomfort in their body, and you just apply it topically to give them great relief. We do have a stronger blend for more chronic, more severe types of discomfort and tension in our body. Aromatouch is the blend you are going to use for any kind of minor discomfort in joints or muscles, areas of stress or tension in your body, or if you just want to relax after a tough day of work.

Now to the oils in this blend. Cypress is one of the essential oils in this blend that boosts feelings of energy, but it's also very grounding and calming on our emotions. 

Marjoram is next, and it is one of the best oils for areas of discomfort in your body, both chronic and acute. About a year and a half ago, when Megan herniated three discs in her neck from standing on her head too long (yoga inversions), marjoram was one of the most effective oils that we used to relieve the discomfort. In fact, she didn't even take an over the counter pain reliever at all. Marjoram was oil that helped her tremendously.

Basil has a very soothing and cooling effect when applied topically to your skin, and you want that when you're getting a massage. You want that instant gratification. It is just wonderful. The first time I smelled basil essential oil, it brought me back when I was seven or eight years old in my private trumpet lesson, at my instructors home office. He would diffuse basil oil. I didn't know what the aroma was at the time, but when I first smelled basil I'm like holy smokes, I busted out the trumpet like Dizzy Gillespie, and the aroma just brought me right back.

The other three oils in this blend are peppermint, which of course, has an incredibly high menthol concentration. Whenever we're feeling discomfort in our joints and our muscles, anywhere in our body, we want that instant relief like Megan said. Peppermint gives that cooling sensation at a much higher level, because of the high menthol content. It actually feels like somebody's rubbing ice on your skin. 

Grapefruit has the highest concentration of the molecule limonene of all the citrus oils, which supports healthy circulation. When we have discomfort in our joints or muscles, the area is not flushing out, and there's not enough fresh blood and fresh oxygen coming into those areas. Cypress and grapefruit are wonderful oils in this blend, to support healthy circulation.  

Lastly, lavender, which is similar to basil because of its high linalool concentration. Linalool is incredibly calming to the tissues of our body and also to our nervous system. Hyperactivity and excitement in our nervous system bring a lot of problems with it, like high inflammation and even more discomfort. Using oils that have a high linalool concentration like basil and lavender, help to relieve, help to soothe, and help to calm those irritated tissues.