Feeling Anxious or Depressed, use these 3 oils!

If you find yourself on the end of the spectrum with the most severe emotions and the most severe feelings of anxiousness and also depressed feelings, then you're going to want to use these oils in order of effectiveness. 

If you have a rapid beating heart, if you have trouble breathing because you can't take a full breath in, or you're so chronically sad and having depressed types of feelings, then you're gonna want to use these oils in order of effectiveness, one, two, three, to get the best results for yourself. 

One out of three Americans is on a psychotropic drug for feelings of anxiousness or feelings of being depressed. And it's a massive pandemic. The vast majority of us do not need to be on these drugs. We need to understand why we're feeling these emotions and why we have these anxious and depressed feelings. These top three oils are going to help with that.  

So the number one essential oil for feelings of being anxious and feelings of being depressed is Melissa. Melissa's a green leafy plant. We source our Melissa from Bulgaria. It takes 6,000 pounds of Melissa leaves to yield just one gallon of oil. That's three tons of Melissa leaves for one gallon of oil. It's an incredibly potent, it's an incredibly powerful essential oil, both physically, but in this context, we're talking emotionally.

The reason why is it has a very high concentration of a molecule, a class of molecules called esters. Esters are some of the most powerful emotionally and physically calming, grounding molecules that are found in plant-based medicine and found in essential oils. So when you have that rapid heartbeat, when you have the trouble breathing in, because feelings of being anxious just completely overtake your whole body, use Melissa.

Take three drops and apply it right on your neck, right on our chest, or you can also drop three drops right under your tongue, swish it around in your mouth a little bit, and then swallow. These are the best two ways to use Melissa essential oil. Within minutes, the ester molecules have crossed the blood-brain barrier. They're in every single cell in our body, immediately giving us feelings of being calm and relaxed both emotionally and physically.  

The second most powerful essential oil is Copaiba. Now if you watched our latest video on Copaiba essential oil, you know that there's a massive difference between CBD and Copaiba. Copaiba is an essential oil from the resin of the Copaifera tree, which grows in Southern Brazil in the Amazon. It's a very, unique essential oil. This oil is over 65% beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene is also incredibly relaxing and calming to our physical and even our emotional body.

One of the most relaxing of all the essential oil molecules is beta-caryophyllene. So, again, when we want to use this oil, my favorite way and the best way is three drops right under your tongue and then swallow. If you do not prefer to ingest essential oils, then, again, topical use is going to be very similar. Three drops right on your neck and chest. It's going to be an excellent, wonderful way to use Copaiba essential oil.  

Lastly, one of my all-time favorite essential oils, since it was released, is Green Mandarin. Again, an oil from Brazil. Green Mandarin is very special and unique because almost all citrus oils are emotionally energizing, emotionally uplifting, while Green Mandarin because of its chemistry has unique molecules that are both invigorating to our emotions but also incredibly calming to our nervous system.

Thus making Green Mandarin an excellent essential oil to be uplifting, to help relieve those feelings of sadness, to start to bring joy and happiness into our emotions while also calming our physical body so we can begin to breathing deeply to calm our racing heart. 

Melissa, Copaiba, and Green Mandarin essential oil are, right now the top three essential oils for feelings of being anxious and feelings of being depressed.