
One of my absolute favorite signs of spring is the blooming magnolia tree. It has the most beautiful flowers ever. The aroma is incredible, and it brings me back to my childhood. Our next door neighbor growing up had this huge magnolia tree in the front yard and you could smell it coming down the street.

Always knew it was getting summertime, getting warmer, when that magnolia tree started to bloom. Now, when we moved to our new location in Geneva a few years ago, I was so excited when spring came. Our next door neighbor across the street has the most beautiful magnolia tree that it's in bloom now. So I smell it, brings me back to my childhood, I know spring's coming, life is good.

Although American magnolia doesn't produce as good of oil.


So we source our magnolia from China. And it takes 5,040 of those large magnolia blossoms to make just one 15 milliliter bottle of oil. Which is why magnolia comes in the touch, it comes already diluted and fractionated coconut oil. So it's very easy to use, roll on. We just put some on right now because we just love the intoxicating aroma of magnolia. Magnolia is the highest concentration of linalool at 71%.

And linalool has global effects in our body. With our brain, it's very calming, relaxing. Not making you tired, but physically calming to the tissues and cells and to our brain. It's a wonderful wonderful oil in that regard. Linalool works on a topical level for any type of, like, seasonal threat.

So, when you have a skin rash that is itchy or burns, or you get bit by a mosquito, or a bee sting, or you rub up against the wrong type of bush and you become sensitive to it or start to get hives on your body. Magnolia, because of the high linalool concentration, can be a great oil to use topically to help with these types of symptoms.

And magnolia, just like jasmine, are my two favorite floral essential oils to use as a perfume. Like Jeff said it comes in the roller so it's easy just to roll on. And I get the benefits of releasing any anxious feelings or if I'm just stressed out that day, it's my perfume that's calming me.


It's amazing.

Yeah, if you have not experienced magnolia as of, like, right now, make sure to pick it up, because it will soon become one of your all time favorite essential oils because of the aroma, because of the effects it has on your body. It's one of those oils that you put on and you immediately notice changes in your physiology. So we just absolutely love magnolia.