Topical Blend for your Face and Neck

If you suffer from breakouts, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, just the uncomfortable systemic feeling of your skin, the soreness. HD Clear is the blend for you. This blend is so awesome, it's so unique, it has six essential oils in this blend.

Now, however, three of those essential oils we don't even have available as single oils. It's black cumin seed, ho wood, litsea, melaleuca, eucalyptus and geranium essential oil. Now, what these oils together do is they help keep your skin clear, clean, hydrated, and it reduces blemishes and breakouts.

It's a wonderful blend, but the benefits go far beyond your face with this blend of oils. I wanna talk specifically about black cumin seed oil. Indian researchers in 2007 put out a study, they looked at black cumin seed oil against drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

And they studied 144 drug-resistant strains. 97 of these strains were inhibited by black cumin seed oil, which is why it's so good for your face, because it just clears everything up. The primary molecules are thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone, and these two molecules, specifically the first one, thymoquinone, is a powerful antioxidant. And as we know with antioxidants, they help to reduce or help with a healthy level of inflammation, they help with cellular reproduction, so it's wonderful in that regard.

And then, thymohydroquinone is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor,which what that means is that the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, stays in our brain and acts longer in our brain when it's in the presence of black cumin seed oil and this is a good thing because acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that's incredibly calming, grounding, relaxing, it's part of stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system which is our rest and digest part of our nervous system. So it's a wonderful essential oil in that regard.

There are many pharmaceuticals on the market today that are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and these types of drugs treat neuro degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, things like glaucoma, autism, and it can be very dangerous long-term, but it's very difficult to treat these types of conditions.

Now, not saying that black cumin seed oil is going to reverse or treat these conditions, however, what we are saying is that black cumin seed oil is in fact an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, so it's very protective for the cells in our brain, for the neurochemistry, and a wonderful oil to use.

So, even if you don't suffer from these blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, chronic skin conditions like this, it's still a wonderful blend to use on a regular basis because of the black cumin seed oil. And then ho wood, I love this oil because ho wood gives you that feeling of tingle, because of the high camphor content in ho wood and again, it's really great for your skin since it's a wood oil, it's great for the deeper layers and the health of that part of our skin.

Now, the harsh chemicals and acids that they put in typical acne or breakout creams and cleansers are not in this blend because it's just the essential oils, however, we still get that refreshing, cooling feeling because of the ho wood, the eucalyptus and the litsea. So we still get that amazing, refreshing feeling without the harsh effects of all of those dangerous chemicals in a lot of the products that we use.


That people use.

The best part about this blend is it comes in a roller, so it's easy to spot treat and you can just put it on, couple swipes on your face, or if you are spot treating, go ahead and just spot treat right away and it's for all ages, which is so great, you can use it on your young kids, your teenagers to adults.