Citrus Bliss: The Invigorating Blend

When you were a kid and the ice cream man came, what was one of your favorites?

A Dreamsicle.

That is Citrus Bliss.

Totally is. It totally is.

Yeah it does, Citrus Bliss is one of our favorite oils to pass around at a class to really give people an experience of the power of citrus oils, and it smells exactly like a Dreamsicle.

It tastes like it too. It's like the adult version of a Dreamsicle.


Now there's a ton of citrus essential oils but seven of them in this blend along with vanilla which I think gives it that extra Dreamsicle flavor.

Vanilla with a citrus in any sort of baking or cooking is always a good combination, but the citrus oils that are in this blend are wild orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, tangerine, and clementine. So some great

So good.

Citrus fruits, and the major class of molecules in this blend are called monoterpenes. A lot of essential oils, the backbone is a monoterpene, and the specific monoterpene in citrus fruits is, of course, limonene which we talk a ton about, and emotionally, limonene is very uplifting, and for our physical body, limonene is incredibly cleansing. It's in our detox protocol. It supports our immune system, and it's just a powerful essential oil molecule.

Right, if you have any negative feelings at all, you cannot help but turn those negatives into a positive when you even just smell Citrus Bliss. Just open that bottle and smell it. Diffuse it when you're in the workspace and you're feeling overwhelmed, overworked, unappreciated.

Put citrus bliss in your diffuser. Five drops, right in there, start diffusing it, and that frown is gonna turn upside down or upside whatever it is, and you will be smiling no matter what. It has an extreme, powerful effect on your emotions. So uplifting, energizing. We diffuse this in our yoga studio space constantly, and it's motivating. All of our students just wanna stay longer than that hour in yoga class because of what's diffusing. They just love it.

If you run a business, if you own a business, Citrus Bliss is one of the oils that we always recommend diffusing right by the front door. So everybody that walks in recognizes that signature scent, and any time they smell a citrus fruit it's gonna remind them of your business, and it's gonna remind them of coming into your place.


It's a powerful oil emotionally for that reason.

One last recommendation for Citrus Bliss. Apply it topically. I love to apply citrus essential oils on, especially Citrus Bliss during this time of year. It's winter time, skin's drier. I love putting it in with my fractionated coconut oil.

On the back of your legs.

On the back of my legs. I do it every time I get out of the shower, you guys. I have either my Citrus Bliss. I go from grapefruit, just all those essential oils, but I know that they're all in Citrus Bliss, and it is just wonderful to help invigorate your skin. Just get a fresh, new feeling, and it's just amazing.

And limonene helps with circulation. So for

There you go.

Back of your legs you want circulation.
