Clary Sage Esssential Oil

Today is clary sage, you guys. It is just such a powerful essential oil when it comes to being a female, I feel like. You know, not to say that men can't use this but clary sage has just had such a powerful impact during my time of life when I had Mila, actually.

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I started using clary sage. During labor, I had Mila at home, and clary sage was the only essential oil that I really needed at that time, just to calm and just bring me back to a balanced state during labor. After I had Mila, it was the one essential oil that I would apply topically, I would diffuse.

It was literally in my hands the entire time. It was just the aroma of it, the effect of it. It is known for its soothing, relaxing and balancing effects that it has on our emotions and our body in general. 

- Where is it from?

- It's from France, you guys. It's beautiful. The plant is so cute, 'cause there's these purple little flowers. And we actually distill from the flower and the leaf of this perennial. And it's an herb, clary sage.

- Beautiful.

- Mmhmm.

- I also required this oil during labor, because Mila came in 20 minutes from the water breaking. The midwives didn't even come. They were an hour away. She was born breech in our living room. So, clary sage, I was putting on topically, we were diffusing it.

And the reason clary sage is so effective for our emotions and our physical body when we're in like, a heightened, stressful situation is because of two molecules, linalool and linalyl acetate. They're two very calming, physically and emotionally, molecules. They effect the monoaminergic system in our brain.

- Which is?

- Which, this is my favorite part. Which includes serotonin and dopamine, the neurotransmitters, and also adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are part of the adrenergic system of our brain. What this all means is that linalool attaches itself to these multiple receptor sites in our brain for a long lasting calming effect emotionally and physically because of the attachment to the neurotransmitter receptor site.

Now, with all of that being said, a very effective way that you can use this, if you're in a stressful environment if you're around a lot of people during the day, it can be a very protective oil to use for your physical body and also for your emotions.

- Right, and the best way to use it is to diffuse it or apply it topically. Now, if you experience troubles during your menstrual cycle, this is one of the essential oils that's in our Clary Calm blend which we did in a previous video. Clary sage, I like to add an extra boost of clary sage essential oil.

Three drops in my hand, and I rub it directly over my abdominals. Now, I also love cupping this essential oil. Three to five drops in the palm of your hands. Rub your hands vigorously together and then just close your eyes and take some nice deep breaths in. It is just uber calming and just relaxing. It is just a wonderful essential oil. Now, fun fact. I know you know, 'cause you know everything. Clary sage--

- About oils.

- About oils, yeah.

- That's about it.

- True story. Clary sage was also known as clear eyes. They used to use it, the Romans did, to clean their eyes.

- For any type of eye concern.

- Any eye concern, any troubles with their eyes. You use to use it to clean your eyes.

- Beautiful.

- Now, don't put it in your eyes, but it's a fun fact.