My Top 7 Reasons to Adopt a Vitalistic Lifestyle!

7 reasons to adopt a vitalistic lifestyle

There are THOUSANDS…but here are my top 7!

 1.  You will think bigger!

Once you begin to understand the laws of health…yes…there are Laws, your world view will grow.  Similar to how gravity is a law, if you don’t believe in it…jump off a building and immediately your belief will be challenged.  Use frankincense, and I dare you not to feel better!

Our body has a propensity to heal; it always desires to heal and always works to our benefit.  Once our conscious brain realizes the power, we have inside of us, the possibilities for our life grow exponentially!

2.  Methodical and Calm Thinking and Decision Making.

Before every flight, a plane undergoes scrutinizing inspection.  The inspection ensures an efficient and safe takeoff, flight, and landing.  You have your body for 80-120 years (God Willing), once you start to view your body as a THE high performing machine, it becomes effortless to make congruent decisions for your life.  

How we exercise, eat, communicate, love, work, parent, sleep, etc., all fall under the lens of performance.  Will this action create higher or lower performance?  Thus simplifying and uncomplicating our thinking and decisions.

3.  Massive Energy Increase.

The body is resilient.  Think of that person who drinks and smokes every day and lives to 90 in seemingly excellent health.  For me, it is my former grandmother in law.  She is closing in on 90 and has smoked packs a day since she was about 13.  Her body has to work overtime to maintain health.  

Now imagine if rather than stressing our body, we supply it with the fuel it requires.  Exercise, nutrition, essential oils, rest, water, spinal hygiene, and sex (to name a few) are required for organ support and optimal health.  

Providing the proper “fuel” creates optimized chemical reactions in the body, thus, increasing energy.

4.  Greater Contribution to the World.

This is easy, now that your energy is through the roof, imagine what you can now accomplish to change the world.  Here are a few examples.  

Write that book.  Build the website.  Take that class.  Go for that degree.  Care for that widow.  Start the youtube channel.  Start the business.  Coach your grandkids team.  The possibilities are now endless.

5.  Happiness

The happiest people I know are those that honor their body consistently and daily.  By adopting a vitalistic lifestyle, your entire world view will begin to change, and you will start to see beauty and possibility where you saw darkness before.  You will begin to have more respect for the world around you.  
From an essential oil perspective, you will begin to see plants in a different light.  All plants have life-giving properties, and there is beauty surrounding us everywhere.

6.  Empowerment

In a system that is designed to strip us of our power, remove our choice in healthcare, and govern our decisions, now more than ever is the time to arm ourselves with knowledge.  When you seek, you will find.  

Empowerment is more than a mindset; empowerment is wielded through knowledge.  The truths and laws of health are many.  It is critical to follow publications, people, programs, and seminars that are vitalistic to forge truth deep within you so that you are empowered with your family’s healthcare requirements!

7.  Life

I have suffered over a dozen ventricular tachycardia episodes where my heart rate increases to 250 beats per minute over the last two years.  Every doctor says I should be dead, and most people die from their first episode. 

The top cardiovascular surgeons and electrophysiologists we have consulted all attribute survival to our vitalistic lifestyle.  Had there been any disease within my heart or cardiovascular system I would have suffered either full cardiac arrest or a stroke.  

Following a vitalistic lifestyle can save your life!

To your vitalism,

Dr. Jeff