Clove Essential Oil

Today is clove, and a wonderful hot oil. If you ever use this oil topically, always make sure to use a one to one ratio of fractionated coconut oil because it will cause your skin to become red, because of the molecule eugenol.

Clove is sourced all the way from Madagascar. It's an evergreen tree that requires a humid, tropical environment. Now we harvest the clove essential oil from the unopened dried flower of the evergreen tree.

And eugenol is the primary molecule, there's only 20 molecules in an authentic clove essential oil and eugenol is 79% and eugenol acetate's about 14% and the other molecules are just small percentages but the synergy again, of all the chemistry is what makes these oils so powerful and so effective. Eugenol, there's a few fun facts about eugenol.


Follow me you guys. When you go to the dentist and get your teeth cleaned, they polish your teeth with a substance called chlorhexidine.


Chlorhexidine prevents plaque buildup Chlorhexidine is synthetic eugenol. Eugenol is the major molecule in clove, so after this whole story, clove is a wonderful oil to put on your toothbrush and use to brush your teeth. It's also an oil that's in our protective blend for that reason, however, eugenol prevents plaque build up, it keeps your teeth and gums and your mouth incredibly clean very healthy and the next time you go to the dentist, your dentist is gonna thank you because he or she will have to do less work on your mouth.

So one of a really great way to use clove for the benefit of the molecule eugenol is to put it in a mouth wash. So it literally, just take three to five drops in a little glass of water put it in your mouth, rinse out your mouth. You can swallow it, I however, just spit it out like a mouthwash you would do. Just to get the benefits of a healthy, clean mouth.

The other benefits of eugenol is it's very good for supporting a healthy immune response.

Mmm hmm.

When you're feeling this very under the weather, not feeling your self, you might have a scratchy throat, you might have congestion and your temperature may rise a bit. Your body temperature. Clove is an oil that we add to our immune support blend of cilantro, thyme and oregano, clove is in there, because it's a wonderful oil for supporting a healthy quick immune response.

And this is an essential oil that you can ingest daily. Now best way to ingest this essential oil is just right in a veggie cap. Three drops in those little veggie caps, and just start taking it internally to get a healthy immune system, to help support your immune system, to stay healthy, it's really great.

When I'm in the kitchen and I don't want the dogs in the kitchen, I make a line of clove on the floor,

You do.

Because the dogs will not cross over the line, its like a line in the sand.

It's like a wall.

It's a wall of clove. And they will not come in, it's wonderful. So if you have animals, and you are trying to keep them away from you once in a while, just make a little circle of clove around you.

They won't come near it and it's great in the kitchen. Cooking with it is wonderful it just adds that holiday spice to any of the dishes. We diffuse it around the holidays especially, it's great.