Anchor: The grounding blend

You cannot anchor to an unanchored mind. The second oil, in our A to Z series is just that, Anchor Blend. Overexertion, agitation, physical discomfort, stress, these are some widespread challenges that we face and can easily be triggered only from driving your car or dealing with people in general.

Anchor is our steadying blend, so anytime you are feeling unrooted or dis-eased, apply anchor. When diffusing you will experience feelings of balance, support, and a sense of being grounded

The first oil in Anchor is sandalwood, and because of its santalol concentration, is an incredibly calming essential oil. 

The primary molecule in patchouli is patchoulol and is an incredibly grounding molecule. 

Now to cinnamon, which you wouldn't quite consider to be in a blend called Anchor, however, cinnamon's primary molecule is cinnamaldehyde and is very powerful by stimulating the neurons in our brain to fire correctly and in a healthy way, so it's a very energizing essential oil molecule.

The other oils in this blend that we love and use on a daily basis as singles are cedarwood, lavender, and frankincense. 

Cedarwood's primary molecule, cedrol, promotes feelings of calm and ease to our body. 

Lavender's major molecule linalool is very relaxing for us. Linalool as a molecule activates GABA receptors in our brain. GABA is the neurotransmitter that's responsible for the calming, the relaxation effect of our nervous system, which is why we see linalool through oil like lavender in a lot of different blends. 

Frankincense is one of the most powerful essential oils across the board. It is going to help bring feelings of ease, relaxation, peace, and positive vibes into our body. There have been studies shown, that if you meditate, set an intention or pray while using frankincense, you are going to have a stronger connection to God and yourself.  

The bonus of these three oils, cedarwood, lavender, and frankincense, is that they are all great for your skin. When you're applying it topically, to find more balance in your life and your body, you're also helping your skin, so cool. 

We diffuse and use Anchor topically. With topical use, the best places to apply are where we use our foundation, bottoms of our feet, our ankle bones, and if you are into yoga and you practice inversions, I love putting it on my palms before arm balance work. If you're diffusing, you only need a couple of drops, again, and you are going to experience an atmosphere of relaxation and incredible focus.

Now here's a little trick, Anchor essential oil is lovely if you often travel as we do. Before a flight, apply anchor on the bottoms of your feet and ankles to help you stay grounded.


Dr. Jeff and Megan